Thyroid Disorders
At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we are well versed in thyroid health. We conduct a comprehensive workup and analysis of in depth thyroid labs and root causes. With the latest treatment options, we develop well rounded treatment plans to target a variety of thyroid conditions.

Thyroid Dysfunction:
These symptoms when accompanied together may indicate some level of thyroid dysfunction.
Fatigue/ low
weight gain/
weight loss
cold hands/
dry skin
thinning hair
Thyroid Conditions We Treat
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is not producing sufficient levels of the active thyroid hormone (T3). This deficient state affects all aspects of the body’s metabolic processes and rate. Symptoms often include: weight gain, fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, and dry skin.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition in which the body’s immune cells produce autoantibodies that target its own thyroid gland. Due to the damage that occurs to the thyroid gland, the thyroid gland becomes hindered in its functions, resulting in hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces excessive levels of active thyroid hormone, increasing the body’s metabolic rate. Symptoms often include: weight loss, rapid or irregular heart beat, increased appetite, anxiety, insomnia, tremors, excessive sweating, and heat intolerance.
Grave’s Disease
Grave’s Disease in an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid gland. In this condition, the body produces autoantibodies against the thyroid gland. When these antibodies attack the thyroid gland, the gland produces excessive active thyroid hormone, resulting in a state of hyperthyroidism.
Thyroiditis is a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes inflamed and swollen. In this state, the thyroid gland can either produce too little or too much active thyroid hormone. There are several types of thyroiditis including: subacute granulomatous, postpartum, subacute lymphocytic, and Hashimoto’s.
Goiter & Thyroid Nodules
Swelling of the thyroid gland, known as goiter, typically occurs in autoimmune thyroid presentations where the thyroid gland is being targeted by the immune system. Thyroid nodules are abnormal growths on the thyroid gland, with 90% being benign.
Thyroid Dysfunction Root Causes
These common daily exposures have been found to harm the thyroid gland and its functioning.
Epstein barr
virus (EBV)
pfas, PCB’s,
The Thyroid- Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Connection
Numerous studies have demonstrated a key connection between chronic Epstein Barr Virus (HHV-6) and autoimmune thyroid diseases.
A study conducted in Poland discovered that 81% of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and 63% of Graves’ disease cases had Epstein Barr Virus proteins present in the thyroid gland.

Diagnosing Thyroid
Dysfunction: Testing
We diagnose thyroid conditions comprehensively at Zimmermann Modern Wellness. Blood levels of thyroid hormones are only one part of the picture, as this lab can only attain a snapshot of the thyroid gland’s functioning. Once thyroid dysfunction is established, (either hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, or autoimmune based thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s or Grave’s Disease), we conduct a root cause analysis to determine why the thyroid gland is malfunctioning. Root causes of thyroid disorders can include: epstein barr virus, heavy metal accumulation, halogen chemical exposure, parasites, leaky gut, per and polyfluoroalkyl chemical exposure, selenium or vitamin D deficiency, and so on.
At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we utilize the latest and most accurate thyroid labs to ensure proper diagnosis for our patients. Some of these labs include:
- Thyroid Complete Blood Panel (TSH, Total T4, Total T3, T3 Uptake, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, TPO antibodies)
- Doctor’s Data Heavy Metal Urine Testing
- Vibrant America Total Tox Panel
- Vibrant America Viral Panel
- Vibrant America Micronutrient Panel
- GI Map Stool Culture
Our Treatment Superstars
Herbal medicines are utilized as an effective tool to modulate the immune system, mitigate inflammation, modulate thyroid gland activity, and facilitate the detoxification of thyroid disturbing chemicals and heavy metals.
Nutraceuticals are an effective functional medicine tool for improving thyroid health. Key thyroid nutrients such as selenium, iodine, and B vitamins can assist in deficient conditions. In cases where the thyroid gland is being affected by improper immunological response, nutraceuticals that modulate the immune system and mitigate inflammation can be helpful.
Acupuncture, an ancient East Asian medical system, can assist with balancing the immune system, calming the nervous system, mitigating the effects of chronic stress, and optimizing the lymphatic system- all which benefit thyroid and metabolic health.
In cases where heavy metal burden is obstructing thyroid gland function, chelation therapy effectively removes heavy metals from bodily tissues. Detox intravenous solutions can assist in the removal of environmental toxins that harm the thyroid gland.
In cases of autoimmune thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto’s or Grave’s disease, Ozone and UVB therapy can assist in modulating immune activity. Ozone therapy also increases blood circulation and facilitates the removal of environmental toxins. These innovative therapies deactivate pathogens such as EBV that can disrupt the thyroid gland.
While root causes are being addressed in a strategic treatment plan, bioidentical compounded thyroid hormone can minimize adverse symptoms, assist in metabolic regulation, and improve energy levels.
Are you ready to begin your journey to wellness and feel your best?
Reach out to our team at Zimmermann Modern Wellness to get your personalized treatment plan today.