SOT Therapy
in NJ
At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we offer this innovative therapy for chronic resistant infections such as Lyme and tickborne co-infections. We utilize this therapy as a part of a comprehensive intravenous treatment program that optimizes the bio-terrain and reduces pathogenic load.

What is SOT Therapy?
SOT stands for Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy. It is a revolutionary treatment that is being utilized to treat chronic unresponsive infections. Some of these infections include: Lyme bacteria, tick borne co-infections such as Babesiosis and Bartonella, viruses such as EBV, HSV, CMV, Varicella, and others. This breakthrough therapy works by creating short DNA or RNA segments (under 20 amino acids long) that bind to and disable the target pathogen. It binds to the pathogen by creating a shutoff “key” that fits into the target “lock” portion of the pathogen. The “lock” is a specific section of the pathogen’s DNA or RNA that is responsible for an important function of the pathogen. The “key” binds to the “lock” and blocks the function and replication of the pathogen – killing the pathogen and preventing its replication.
What Conditions can SOT Therapy Treat?
Currently, SOT treatment is available for the following chronic infections:
Qualifying for SOT Therapy
The directing physician, Dr. Lisa Zimmermann MD will properly assess the patient’s terrain for the above mentioned infectious pathogens. The patient will then need a positive confirmation of the pathogen that SOT is being considered for. This can be done through:
- MDL labs
- Vibrant America
- amongst others.
This blood draw can be scheduled in Dr. Zimmermann’s office. This positive lab test must be less than 6 months old.
Upon a positive test result, another blood sample will be taken at Dr. Zimmermann’s office and sent to RGCC, a medical genetics company in Greece. It is with this sample that they will design an anti-nucleotide to target the pathogen.
The lab will then send back the IV remedy as a freeze-dried specimen. Each SOT treatment will be given as an IV infusion. If multiple SOT infusions are needed, they will be spaced at least one month apart. SOT may be repeated up to three times per year if needed. With each round of SOT, it is recommended to retest for the presence of the target pathogens.
How Accurate is SOT Therapy?
RGCC, the medical genetics company in Greece, has about a 98% specificity to the target genes for the above-mentioned infections. “Their treatment is uniquely tailored to each patient. RGCC has state of the art equipment and technology which enables them to identify specific gene sequences of various infectious agents. RGCC’s unique verification process includes cross referencing the main gene sequences with the information stored in an international genetics database. This makes it possible to have the most accurate SOT and to maximize the success of treatment” (RGCC Labs).
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Each SOT treatment targets one specific strain of an infectious pathogen. If a patient has multiple strains or species, they will require multiple SOT infusions. For example, if a patient tests positive for multiple strains of Bartonella, they will need multiple SOT infusions – one for each positive strain of Bartonella.
How Long Will It Take to See Results?
Each SOT infusion can take up to several months to see results. This is because SOT molecules degrade very slowly and can therefore target the mRNA in the above mentioned infectious pathogens for many months.
Are There Any Side Effects of SOT Therapy?
SOT treatment is highly compatible with the patient, thus side effects are usually minimal. Potential side effects may include: headaches, body aches, general malaise, sweating, diarrhea, cough, fever usually less than 101 degrees Fahrenheit, and mild flu-like symptoms. Usually these symptoms resolve within 24 to 48 hours but may last up to a week or longer in some patients. “SOT does not at all interfere with the functioning of normal human cells, tissues, or organs. RGCC Labs uses MiRNA (micro RNAs) to only influence certain gene expressions and not to change genetic structure” (RGCC Labs).
SOT Therapy:
The ZMW Treatment Protocol
Dr. Zimmermann believes that SOT therapy is incredibly effective at reducing a person’s pathogenic load. This allows the body’s immune system to recover and work optimally.
With chronic illness, Dr. Zimmermann always recommends a comprehensive workup to pinpoint other issues such as: environmental toxins, heavy metals, mold and mycotoxins, autoimmunity, adrenal fatigue, amongst other root causes.
Typically, SOT treatment is given as part of an individualized protocol for maximum efficacy. This comprehensive treatment protocol might also include: herbals, nutraceuticals, and other intravenous antimicrobial infusions. Utilizing bioresonance testing, Dr. Zimmermann can re-assess the levels of the infectious pathogen throughout the treatment course.
Are you ready to begin your journey to wellness and feel your best?
Reach out to our team at Zimmermann Modern Wellness to get your personalized treatment plan today.