Functional Medicine NJ

“As a catalyst in the transformation of healthcare, functional medicine treats root causes of disease and restores healthy function through a personalized patient experience”
- The Institute for Functional Medicine

At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we treat the whole person, not just a single symptom or condition.

zimmerman modern wellness functional medicine

At ZMW, we utilize functional medicine to address the “how” and “why” behind mystery symptoms and complex conditions.

Some hidden health culprits we assess are: heavy metals, environmental toxins, pesticides, mold and mycotoxins, poor dietary choices, gastrointestinal parasites, Lyme and tickborne infections, and genetic factors. Oftentimes, there are several imbalances and exposures that precipitate illness.

Specific functional medicine labs are ordered based on the patient’s complete symptom profile and medical history.

This comprehensive system of medicine recognizes that everything in the body is intertwined and cannot be separated. For instance gut inflammation can be connected to brain fog and cognitive issues.

zimmerman modern wellness functional medicine
zimmerman modern wellness functional medicine

Our Comprehensive Process

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At ZMW, our practitioners spend a considerable amount of time gathering all of the details of your health timeline including: childhood events, medical history, and potential external exposures. This allows us to conduct a thorough root cause analysis.

advanced testing


Once root causes are theorized, we order relevant labs to rule out or confirm our suspicions. We partner with industry leading laboratories such as Vibrant America, Great Plains, Doctor’s Data, Diagnostic Solutions, IGENEX, and RGCC to attain the most accurate results.

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Once lab results confirm health culprits, our team develops a multifaceted treatment protocol to optimize health. Our treatment superstars are: restorative and detox IV therapies, nutraceuticals and herbals, peptides, and exosomes. Additional modalities may be added.

Functional Medicine
Testing & Labs

We utilize advanced diagnostics and labs in order to pinpoint each patient’s unique mixture of health culprits. We partner with several industry leading laboratories such as: Vibrant America, Doctor’s Data, Rhein Labs, Diagnostic Solutions, Great Plains, IGENEX, RGCC, Alletess, Dutch, amongst others. Without running these special labs, treatment becomes a perpetual guessing game.

To develop the most effective treatment plans for our patients, we need to TEST NOT GUESS! However, unlike some clinics that run nearly all available tests, our expert diagnosticians will only order functional medicine labs that are indicated by the patient’s symptom profile and health history. This eliminates unnecessary tests and reduces lab costs for our patients.

Will I Need Functional Medicine Labs?

Most likely, YES! Most standard labs through LabCorp and Quest do not contain the advanced biomarkers we need to assess. Further, conventional Lyme and tick-borne illness labs have been reported to miss up to 60% of positive cases!

Is this Testing Covered by Insurance?

Insurance coverage is very much plan and lab dependent. Some functional medicine labs will allow for insurance submission, while others do not directly bill insurance. Typically, you will have to provide a credit card for immediate test fee collection. However, you may submit the testing form to your insurance company for potential reimbursement (although there are no guarantees). Our front desk can assist you with pricing details on the various tests we offer.

How Many Tests Will I Need?

The amount of functional medicine tests will vary amongst patients due to differing health histories, exposures, and symptoms. However, the typical range is between 1-4 functional medicine labs.


zimmerman modern wellness functional medicine tests we offer

Tests We Offer


Lyme & tickborne panel, viral load panel, mold & mycotoxin panel, CD57 count, inflammation biomarkers, autoimmune biomarkers


GI Mapping stool culture, parasite testing, SIBO breath testing, food sensitivity testing, markers for intestinal permeability aka leaky gut, Candida and fungal biomarkers, micronutrient testing


24 hour sex hormones, comprehensive thyroid panel, estrogen metabolic pathway mapping, adrenal testing, cortisol testing, cycle mapping


Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Profile, Carotid Intima Media Thickness (CIMT) scan, heavy metal testing, oxidative biomarkers

Bioresonance Analysis Health (BAH)

In addition to functional medicine testing, we employ advanced frequency analysis to uncover terrain imbalances. Using a specialized instrument, frequencies are measured that correlate to various dysfunctions within the body’s systems. These dysfunctions may be due to pathogens (such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi) or environmental toxins. This comprehensive frequency test includes a sensitivity analysis of herbal, pharmaceutical, and intravenous biological therapies. This thorough evaluation determines the most effective treatment plan, which is specific to each patient. B.A.H. draws on 20 years of research in the field of quantum physics. Dr. Lisa Zimmermann trained directly under Dr. Thomas Szulc, the founder of this revolutionary diagnostic tool..

zimmerman modern wellness Bioresonance Analysis Health (BAH)

Functional Medicine
Treatments We Offer

Medical Grade Nutraceuticals

Medical grade supplements can target biochemical pathways to restore and balance healthy physiology. Advanced specialty labs will indicate where the physiological imbalance is occurring so that our team can determine which supplements are required.

Herbal Medicines

Herbal medicines are utilized as a potent tool to recalibrate the body’s physiological processes. Bioactive plant constituents can effectively elicit specific biochemical effects within the body.

Acupuncture (Coming Soon)

Acupuncture is an effective modality for reducing pain, modulating the immune system, reducing inflammation, and activating the parasympathetic nervous system.


Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are a biocompatible treatment utilized in conditions of hormone imbalance and peri/menopause. Since they are derived from plants, they have minimal side effects and are well tolerated.

Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue is a potent therapy for reducing microbial loads while also acting as an antioxidant to nervous tissue and the brain. It has been shown to improve cognitive function.

IV Therapies

Intravenous vitamins and restorative compounds are more readily absorbed by the body. This delivery system of essential vitamins and biological compounds often greatly enhances treatment outcomes.


Are you ready to begin your journey to wellness and feel your best?

Reach out to our team at Zimmermann Modern Wellness to get your personalized treatment plan today.