Chronic EBV,
Hsv1, Hsv2

At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we emphasize optimizing the body’s terrain. In fact, our bodies maintain a whole ecosystem of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. When the ecosystem becomes imbalanced due to high viral loads, patients can experience recurring periods of illness. Epstein Barr Virus, Herpes Simplex 1, and Herpes Simplex 2, are all common latent viral infections that can wreak havoc on the body’s immune system if left untreated.

zimmerman modern wellness Chronic EBV, HSV1, HSV2

What is the
Herpes Family?

The Herpes family is a group of related viruses that produce symptoms of: general fatigue, fever, body aches, swollen glands, sores/lesions, inflamed liver and/or spleen, and/ or a sore throat. There are many viruses in the Herpes family. The most common ones are HSV1, HSV2, and the Epstein Barr Virus (HHV-4).

What is Viral

When we talk about viral load, we are looking at how many viral copies are active in the bloodstream and bodily tissues. Higher amounts of viral copies usually signify: an active and/or worsening infection, a weakening immune system, and/or a host of viral infections cohabitating together.

Herpes Family:

While HSV1 and HSV2 symptoms can present with distinctive symptoms, EBV symptoms are broad and often indistinguishable.

cold sores
Cold sores/
General fatigue
fevers and chills
body aches
sore throat
skin rashes
enlarged liver spleen
swollen lymph

What Makes
these Viruses

Unlike a simple flu or cold virus, the viruses in the Herpes family are able to resist the body’s innate immune mechanisms. Typically, the viruses hide throughout the body’s nerve roots, which is why you might feel tingling or burning when these viruses are active.

Why do
Come & Go?

When the immune system is overwhelmed or weakened, these viruses are able to produce tons of copies, causing the appearance of symptoms. On the other hand, when the immune system is robust and active, these viruses stay dormant or hidden to avoid immune surveillance- this is when symptoms are absent.

The Human “Virome”

You might have heard the latest health buzzword “microbiome”. The human Virome is the collection of viruses that exist within the body and is essentially a piece of the larger ecosystem referred to as the microbiome. In fact, modern research has discovered the existence of “bacteriophages”, viruses that infect the microbiome’s bacteria. While scientists are unsure of the scope of viruses’ roles within the body’s terrain, there is an accepted notion of a balanced microbiome or terrain. When the body’s immune system is in a healthy state, the microbiome is in balance and beneficial to humans. On the other hand, when pathogens proliferate and the viral load exceeds a threshold, illness is likely to occur.

zimmerman modern wellness The Human “Virome”

The Thyroid Connection

Numerous studies have demonstrated a key connection between chronic Epstein Barr Virus (HHV-6) and autoimmune thyroid diseases.

A study conducted in Poland discovered that 81% of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and 63% of Graves’ disease cases had Epstein Barr Virus proteins present in the thyroid gland.

Examining Viral Load: Testing

Unfortunately, routine labs cannot accurately assess viral load. Typical blood panels will utilize antibody testing. The presence of antibodies to these viruses only tells us that at some point in a patient’s health history, they were exposed to the virus. These results ultimately do not show the amount of viral copies active at a certain point in time.

However, there is good news! At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we partner with RGCC, an industry leading lab that can detect the amount of viral copies present in a blood sample. This gives us an idea of how active and severe the viral infection is at a given point in time. Additionally, at ZMW we utilize labs that evaluate key immune biomarkers and bioresonance testing to determine viral load.

Our Treatment Superstars

Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy is a revolutionary treatment that targets chronic viral infections such as EBV, HSV1, and HSV2 by creating short DNA or RNA segments that bind to and disable these stubborn viruses. This unique therapy is showing great promise in treating unresponsive chronic EBV, HSV1, and HSV2.

Ozone therapy infuses potent oxygen into the bloodstream. This staple treatment: deactivates active viral copies, modulates the immune system, and rejuvenates damaged cells and tissues. Typically, we combine it with ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) which enhances its ability to boost and rebalance the immune system.

Intravenous Vitamin C can be delivered in doses high enough to boost the immune system and deactivate these resistant viral infections. Vitamin C also promotes cellular restoration.

Herbal medicines contain multiple biochemical constituents that help to deactivate viral copies, boost and balance the immune system, and place these viruses back into a dormant state. Further, herbs can break down biofilms to effectively target these resistant viral infections.

Sequences of amino acids, peptides are the fundamental building blocks of proteins that carry out numerous bodily functions. Certain peptides can be supplemented to modulate the immune system, which can be greatly beneficial in cases of chronic infection.

To open detox drainage pathways, we utilize medical grade homeopathic remedies. These oral drops target the detox pathways of the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system to ensure clearance of deactivated viral particles.

Are you ready to begin your journey to wellness and feel your best?

Reach out to our team at Zimmermann Modern Wellness to get your personalized treatment plan today.