Chelation Therapy in NJ

At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we offer intravenous Chelation therapy as part of our advanced cardiovascular health programs. Additionally, we utilize this therapy to reduce heavy metal burden when labs confirm unhealthy levels of heavy metals stored within the body.

zimmerman modern wellness chelatin therapy

What is Chelation Therapy?

Intravenous Chelation Therapy involves the infusion of chelating agents such as Calcium EDTA and/or Sodium EDTA into the bloodstream. These chelating agents bind to heavy metals such as: mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, aluminum, and nicked stored in the body’s tissues. When bound, these toxic heavy metals are eliminated through the urine and stool for permanent removal. It has also been widely researched that Sodium EDTA is highly effective in reducing calcium deposits within arteries, improving cardiovascular health.

What are the Benefits of
Chelation Therapy?

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Chelation therapy can help to reduce calcium deposits within the arteries. By removing arterial blockages, the risk for serious cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke can be reduced.

Rejuvenates Blood Vessels

By removing plaque and increasing blood circulation, chelation therapy enhances the elasticity of blood vessels. Improved elasticity can help to reduce high blood pressure.

Removes Harmful Heavy Metals

Chelating agents utilized in chelation therapy bind to heavy metals so that they can be permanently eliminated from the body via the urine and stool. Thus, this therapy reduces toxic heavy metal load.

Enhances Blood Circulation

By reducing plaque and arterial buildup, chelation therapy can help improve blood circulation. Enhanced blood circulation helps with tissue repair and cardiovascular longevity.

Improves Cognitive Function

Heavy metals such as aluminum have shown deleterious effects on the brain and cognitive function. By removing this heavy metal, chelation therapy may improve brain function and cognition.

Boosts Energy Levels

Heavy metals can wreak havoc on the mitochondria of cells, reducing cellular energy. By removing these metals, chelation therapy can increase cellular energy levels.

Chelation Therapy:

Chelation therapy has proven beneficial in improving cardiovascular health, brain function, and overall toxin burdens.

hypertension high blood pressure
/ high blood
heavy metal toxicity
heavy metal
heart health
cognitive ability
chronic fatigue
low immunity (1)
low immunity
brain fog 2
poor memory
neurological issues

Lead & Cardiovascular Disease: The Connection

Lead, a heavy metal has shown deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system, including increasing the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Lead’s effects on the cardiovascular system include:

  • Increasing oxidative stress
  • Impairing nitric oxide production
  • Inducing endothelial damage
  • Inhibiting new blood vessel formation
  • Altering the renin-angiotensin loop
  • Stiffening the endocalyx of blood vessel lining

in fact...

An FDA approved TACT trial studied the lead body burden’s association with atherosclerosis and heart disease. This trial specifically studied patients with late stage atherosclerosis who were to undergo heart bypass surgery. Instead of the surgery, participants were given continuous chelation therapy. The group receiving the chelation therapy saw a 20% reduction in lead body burden and significant reduction in plaque formation and arterial blockages in addition to improvement in their symptoms of chest pain.

zimmerman modern wellness chelatin therapy

How Do I Know if Chelation Therapy is Right For Me?

If heavy metal toxicity is suspected, Dr. Zimmermann will order heavy metal urine testing. A starter chelation infusion will be given prior to pull heavy metals out through the urine. Chelation therapy has also proven effective in many cardiovascular conditions.

Are there any Side Effects of Chelation Therapy?

When ordered and administered properly by a trained physician, intravenous chelation therapy is generally safe. Dr. Zimmermann will order and examine routine labs assessing Kidney function to ensure chelation therapy is safe in the patient’s case. Chelation therapy can deplete vitamins and minerals. It is thus essential to supplement in accordance with your tailored treatment plan.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Treatment frequency and the amount of treatments will vary based on your unique heavy metal burden as demonstrated through urinary testing. To fully understand how many treatments you will require, it is best to book a consultation and undergo heavy metal testing.

Are you ready to begin your journey to wellness and feel your best?

Reach out to our team at Zimmermann Modern Wellness to get your personalized treatment plan today.