Bioidentical Hormones (HRT) in NJ

At ZMW, we utilize only the safest and most bioavailable form of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) utilizing plant derived bioidentical hormones. The application of these hormones mimics a normal menstrual cycle with the proper fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

zimmerman modern wellness bioidentical hormones therapy

What is Bioidentical Hormone
or HRT

Bioidentical hormones, are plant derived hormones that are chemically identical to the body’s endogenously produced hormones. Hormone Replacement Therapy involves the application of a mixture of the following hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. This therapy essentially provides the body with bioavailable forms of these hormones in cases where the body is not producing sufficient levels of one or more of these hormones. Typically, bioidentical hormones are applied topically in either cream or gel forms.

What are the Benefits of
Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Improves Muscle Tone & Bone Density

A proper level of estrogen prevents bone resorption and weakness, which often occurs during menopause. Additionally, testosterone supplementation maintains muscle tone & strength.

Reduces Hot Flashes & Nightsweating

When estrogen levels drop below a certain threshold, hot flushes and night sweats can occur. This estrogen drop most often occurs during the peri and post menopausal period.

Improves Mood

Severe fluctuations in the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can cause: mood swings, anxiety, and/or depression. By stabilizing these hormonal levels, mood regulation is improved.

Promotes Mental Clarity

Brain fog affects up to 60% of menopausal women. This cognitive lapse can be attributed to the sudden decline of estrogen. HRT by restoring estrogen levels can improve mental alertness.

Moisturizes Skin & Vaginal Tissues

Decline in estrogen and progesterone often causes skin and vaginal dryness. This can lead to: vaginal irritation and painful intercourse. HRT moisturizes the skin and restores fluid to the vaginal tissues.

Increases Energy & Libido

Loss of testosterone during menopause can cause declines in daily energy levels and libido. By supplement with testosterone, energy levels often increase along with libido.

What Conditions can
Bioidentical Hormones Treat?


The time around the transition into menopause, perimenopause can cause severe fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. These sudden hormonal shifts may cause: mood swings, hot flushes, night sweats, decline in energy level, brain fog, etc.


Occuring after 12 missed cycles, menopause entails the cessation of ovulation and menstruation. This reproductive shift involves the decline of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone - which can lead to long term effects of osteoporosis and loss of muscle tone.

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

This syndrome is often characterized by mood swings, lower abdominal cramping, breast tenderness, and energy level changes prior to menstruation.


This menstrual condition is characterized by moderate to severe pain accompanying menstruation and including: lower abdominal cramping, achiness, headaches, and bowel changes.

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance occurs with excessive levels of estrogen in comparison to the average range and in excess ratio to progesterone. This condition may cause symptoms of PMS and dysmenorrhea.

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Recent research has shown that supplementation with bioavailable progesterone might improve PCOS symptoms of dysmenorrhea and irregular cycles.

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How Do I Know if Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is Right For Me?

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is beneficial for patients dealing with adverse effects from the sudden hormonal shifts that occur with menopause. Additionally, hormonal conditions such as PCOS and dysmenorrhea can also improve with the application of certain bioidentical hormones.

Are there any Side Effects of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Most of our patients report symptom relief within a couple of weeks on bioidentical hormones. There are certain medical conditions in which bioidentical hormones should not be prescribed including: blood clots, breast/ovarian cancers, history of breast/ovarian cancer, and uncontrolled hypertension.

How are Bioidentical Hormones Given?

We prescribe the topical form of bioidentical hormones that is applied on a daily basis. This form is a safe and gentle application method.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy:
Our Treatment Protocol

At Zimmermann Modern Wellness, we pride ourselves on delivering only the safest and most bioavailable form of HRT with plant derived bioidentical hormones.

In an initial evaluation, if hormone imbalance is suspected, Dr. Zimmermann and/or staff will order a comprehensive hormone panel and/or cycle mapping to obtain an in-depth analysis of the hormones and their downstream metabolites.

From there, we conduct a deep dive into potential root causes to uncover the drivers behind hormonal imbalance. In certain cases, bioidentical hormones may be prescribed depending on the complete health profile of the patient.

Follow Up’s: At ZMW our follow up’s of patients prescribed bioidentical hormones will include regular testing to ensure estrogen is being metabolized properly to minimize adverse effects and cancer risk.

Are you ready to begin your journey to wellness and feel your best?

Reach out to our team at Zimmermann Modern Wellness to get your personalized treatment plan today.